Jon's Journey
Paying it forward, in the legacy of Jonathan James (1990-2016)
To honor Jon's legacy. "Jon's Journey" is a give back to families with children currently battling childhood cancer, with the gift of a free complete sanitization of their vehicle (Deluxe Detail) at no cost. Done during the last week of March at a time where it would've been his birthday, we give the gift to others.
Meet Jon.
A long time ago, in the small village of Ailsa Craig Ontario, lived a boy, named Jonathan. Like most children, Jon enjoyed hot summer beach vacations, anything John Deere, sledding on his GT racer, spending time with his siblings, his family, and friends. Being the oldest of 3, Jon ensured he took on the protective role of big brother, ensuring us younger siblings didn't get away with anything. He made sure we were safe, and we always did the right thing. No matter how much we hated it.
Growing up for Jon wasn't easy though. Nothing is ever truly easy, but Jon had something special about him that made him even more extraordinary. Jon had CP. Now what is CP you may ask? It's something called Cerebral Palsy. There are different forms/severities of CP, and Jon's was one where it affected his left side. Which was caused by a random stroke before he was born. From vision, balance, learning to walk with braces, strengthening his left hand, constant therapy, and the support of his family/friends and Thames Valley Children's Centre. Jon learned how to rise above his disability, and not let it define him as a person with one. Taking it all in, with a smile on his face, and love in his heart.
As he grew, he took on everything he wanted without anyone saying he couldn't do it. He outgrew his braces but kept a permanent spring in his step, became an incredible cook through the support of Sir George Ross Secondary School's "Café Nights", became a drummer with the help of his best friend David, was a beloved Lion in the Lion's Club of Ailsa Craig, a caretaker of Ailsa Craig Lion's Park, a "Partner in Crime" and wood-working apprentice to Shanon W (Ailsa Craig), an honorary farmer to the Cornelis family (Ailsa Craig), a member of Living Hope Church (Lucan), and an incredible son and brother.
In the year of 2016. Another mountain came Jon's way, in the form of something he never thought he would encounter. He was diagnosed with a rare cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma. His battle lasting from March to December 12, 2016. Which was when his battle came to an end, he took his final rest, and we had to say good-bye. We know it isn't goodbye, it will always be, "see yah later alligator!"
When this happened, you're left with "I can't do this." But you then hear him say, "Yes. Yes, you can."
Years have passed since, and I've been working in the auto industry and felt there was more that this business could do.
This is where "Jon's Journey" was born.
He will always continue to inspire myself and others, to live as he did.
It's not "What do we do now?...It's what would Jon do?"
Jon would be saying, help others, do your best. To live, is to give.
To honor Jon's legacy. "Jon's Journey" is a give back to families with children currently battling childhood cancer, or recently dealing with the loss of a child to it, with the gift of a free complete sanitization of their vehicle (Deluxe Detail) at no cost. Done during the last week of March at a time where it would've been his birthday, we give the gift to others.
Vehicle givebacks will be given and submission will be available each year. To stay updated follow us on social media platforms like Instagram @studiodetail.on & Facebook. We hope to add on more each year, to keep paying it forward.
We know families going through this, need support in any way they can and this is a little way to help in a way that we specialize in.
We hope to inspire others and show this isn't just a business.
This is kindness & legacy.
Question is...do you want to be apart of it?
Sincerely, his little sister,
Celine (Owner/Pro-Detailer of Studio Detail.)
Along with all of these achievements, Jon continued to give back in any way he could. Even being diagnosed with kidney disease and doing dialysis sessions, this didn't stop him. If he heard someone needed help with something, he was there at the crack of dawn, before anyone else, and probably skipped breakfast because he was just too excited to help. There was a time he biked all the way to Lucan, to assist with putting a new roof on his church. Constantly mowing the people of Ailsa Craig's lawn when they weren't home with his John Deere riding mower (and not telling them, but they knew it was him). Or the daily routine of biking out to the Cornelis Farm, to assist in everything farming. Which gave him the gift of getting to finally steer the ULTIMATE John Deere, and plow the fields. Even if you told him you had a lot of people already helping, he'd be there, knowing at some point there would be something to do, didn't matter if it was big or small. You could always count on him being present. Someone to lend a hand, to trust, to lean on. Someone who would never let you down, who believed honesty, kindness and forgiveness were the key pillars of happiness (along with John Deere). He showed that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. To believe, and have faith in yourself. But most importantly, to live...is to give.